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Breathe: Histories and Futures of Trans* Life Now

Monday, February 1, 2016, 6:00 pm

The LGBT History Month Hungary and the Department of Gender Studies 2015-2016 Public Lecture Series


Susan Stryker

Breathe: Histories and Futures of Trans* Life Now 

Transgender Studies scholar Susan Stryker situates the current ubiquity of transgender issues in US media and culture within longer world histories of the biopolitical management of minoritized bodies and identities. The talk asks how we can best articulate the volatile connections between processes of sexing, racing, and speciating, and finds in the quotidian actions of our bodies a methodology for addressing whatever future we might hope to have.


Susan Stryker is director of the Institute for LGBT Studies and associate professor of gender and women's studies at the University of Arizona. A filmmaker, historian, and cultural theorist, she is founding co-editor of the Duke University Press journal TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, co-editor of the two-volume Transgender Studies Reader, author of the introductory text Transgender History, and writer-director-producer (with Victor Silverman) of the Emmy-winning documentary film Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton's Cafeteria, which tells the previously unremembered story of militant transgender resistance to social oppression in San Francisco in 1966.

You can watch the lecture online HERE