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Central European University

Events involving the general participation of CEU, typically as part of a partnered conference, lecture, etc.


Co-hosts of the CEU - WIIW Anniversary Conference.


CIVICA (The European University of Social Sciences) brings together ten leading European higher education institutions, including Central European University. Together, they build on an ever-stronger combination of teaching, research and innovation to mobilize and share knowledge as a public good and to facilitate civic responsibility in Europe and beyond.

Cultural Heritage Studies Program

Cultural Heritage Studies is an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary MA program of CEU intended to educate individuals who wish to become heritage experts and practitioners, offering a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. It is developed and administered by a program committee from different academic disciplines and units. 

Department of Cognitive Science

The Department of Cognitive Science is a thriving interdisciplinary department, which offers a PhD program with a comprehensive range of rigorous coursework and active research experience. It is a research-based training program that specializes in – but is not limited to – the study of the social and biological bases of cognition.

Department of Economics and Business

The Department of Economics and Business is dynamic and expanding, well established as a leading department in the region, with faculty members from top American and European universities. The department offers innovative, mission-relevant and research-led business, economics, finance, and management education in its MA (in Economics, Economic Policy and Global Economic Relations), MSc (in Business Analytics and Finance) and PhD programs (in Economics and Business Administration). 

Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy

The Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at Central European University is an international center of excellence in environmental and sustainability research and teaching with a focus on interdisciplinary and critical scholarship in energy transitions and climate change; environmental and resource governance; environmental justice, politics and humanities; resource management and pollution control; and sustainable management of socio-ecological systems. 

Department of Gender Studies

The Department of Gender Studies meets the growing demand for expertise in gender issues by providing both master's and doctoral-level programs in gender studies, as well as serving as a base for non-degree studies and other activities in the field.

Department of History

The Department of History offers programs of considerable breadth, at both the master's and the doctoral level, challenging canons by means of thorough empirical research and cutting-edge methodological and theoretical reflection. The department seeks to train future scholars, academic and public leaders and professionals with a broad horizon.

Department of International Relations

The Department integrates international relations research with regional expertise in the European Union and the wider European neighborhood, Central and East Asia, and the Middle East. Attention is paid to the evolving role of the EU, Russia, China, and the US in international affairs, the rise of new powers and the role of non-state actors in world politics and the global economy.

Department of Legal Studies

The Department of Legal Studies provides high quality advanced legal education and education in human rights. Its programs are among the finest in Europe, enabling students to obtain a solid grounding in fundamental legal concepts in civil law and common law systems and to develop unique skills in comparative analysis. Our students are encouraged to see complex legal and social problems in their broader context and seek solutions across continents and disciplines.

Department of Mathematics and Its Applications

The Department of Mathematics and its Applications offers one of the most recent international Master’s programs in Applied Mathematics within the Bologna framework. The programs aim to satisfy the growing demand for well-trained applied mathematicians. Graduates will hold positions in industry, corporations, banks, research institutes, governmental and EU institutions, and a variety of research or academic fields. The department’s doctoral program covers major branches in both mathematics and its applications, and aims to prepare students for a productive academic career.

Department of Medieval Studies

The Department of Medieval Studies offers multidisciplinary courses on both the Master’s and the doctoral levels to medievalists from diverse backgrounds such as history, art history, archaeology, philology, philosophy and theology.

Department of Network and Data Science

The Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University provides an organizational platform for research in network science, with a special focus on applications to practical social problems. The department offers a PhD program and an Advanced Certificate Program in Network Science. 

Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy offers a comprehensive program, covering the major areas of philosophical study, leading to master's and doctoral degrees. The MA programs are designed to give broad and thorough training in all of the major fields of philosophy, with the possibility of deeper acquaintance in a chosen field. The department's doctoral program aims to train professionals prepared to undertake academic careers, as researchers or university teachers.

Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science invites students wishing to develop the analytical skills necessary to achieve excellence in their areas of study. With original scholarship, basic and applied research, and creative instructors constituting an essential core upon which to draw, graduate work at the department attracts an outstanding selection of uniquely qualified students from throughout the region and the world.

Department of Public Policy

The Department of Public Policy (DPP) is a multidisciplinary institution focused on the study of global public policy issues both in theory and in practice. Through excellence in teaching and research, DPP aims to create an educational experience that involves not only the acquisition of skills and knowledge but also the cultivation of a mindset that emphasizes entrepreneurship, innovation, cultural awareness and commitment to the public good.

Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

The Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology offers innovative MA and PhD programs that integrate both disciplines while accommodating a diversity of theoretical perspectives. Our combination of Sociology and Social Anthropology leads to insightful and groundbreaking research, presenting multi-scalar and critical perspectives on current social issues. We are committed to both academic excellence and socially conscious scholarship.

Doctoral School of History

The Doctoral School of History matriculates students who have been enrolled at KEE.

Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations

The Doctoral School is an academic community home to more than 50 permanent faculty members and over 90 doctoral students. The Doctoral Program in Political Science has been established by the School of Public Policy and Departments of Political Science and International Relations with the aim of contributing to a spirit of cooperation between faculty and students and foster the consolidation of a common academic community across the three departments.

Economics Doctoral School

The Doctoral School in Economics matriculates students who have been enrolled at KEE.

Invisible University for Ukraine

Related to CEU's certificate program for junior and senior undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA and PhD) students from Ukraine, whose studies have been affected by the war, whether still residing in Ukraine or in refuge. 

Jewish Studies Program

Central European University offers a Jewish Studies specialization covering the wide expanse of Jewish culture, society and history, with a special emphasis on the ramified Jewish experience in Central and Eastern Europe from early modern times to the present.

Nationalism Studies Program

The Nationalism Studies Program engages students in empirical and theoretical study of issues of nationalism, self-determination, problems of state formation, ethnic conflict, minority protection, language and citizenship rights and constitutional design in ethnically divided societies. Drawing upon the supranational milieu of CEU, the program encourages a critical, non-sectarian and interdisciplinary approach to the study of nationalism.

Open Society University Network

The Open Society University Network (OSUN) is a global network that integrates learning and the advancement of knowledge across geographic and demographic boundaries, promotes civic engagement on behalf of open societies, and expands access of underserved communities to higher education.

Romani Studies Program

Building on CEU's longstanding reputation in enhancing higher education, research, and professional opportunities for Roma, CEU’s Roma Access Programs (RAP) is transformed into the Romani Studies Program (RSP) as of August 1, 2017. RSP is a new academic unit at CEU, encompassing the Roma Graduate Preparation Program (RGPP) and Roma in European Societies (RES) initiative.

Summer University

CEU’s Summer University (SUN) program is the extension of the university’s mission of promoting research, teaching and social engagement by hosting high-level, research-oriented, interdisciplinary and innovative academic courses as well as workshops on policy issues for professional development in the social sciences and the humanities. Courses, taught by a team of distinguished international faculty (including CEU professors), are advertised worldwide to attract graduate students, junior or post-doctoral researchers, teachers and professionals.

Undergraduate Studies

The Undergraduate Studies programs are led by world-class faculty specializing in the social sciences and humanities. The programs are tailored for students who seek an international BA experience in small classroom settings, who appreciate having the choice to tailor their programs to meet their own interests, and who relish a challenging academic experience.