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The EU and the Protection of Civil Rights in Europe – What is Added Value?

The CEU Campus
Monday, February 8, 2016, 1:30 pm – 3:20 pm


The EU and the protection of civil rights in Europe – what is added value?

Chair: Marie-Pierre Granger



Sybe de Vries (Professor, Utrecht University) – The Horizontal Application of EU human rights

Henri de Waele (Professor, Radboud University Nijmegen, and University of Antwerp) - Obstacles for EU Citizens in Gaining Access to Travel Documents

Hanneke van Eijken (Assistant Professor, Utrecht University) – Intra-EU mobility: a right for all EU citizens and their families? (TBC)

Orsolya Salat (Visiting Professor and Researcher, Central European University): Freedom of expression – Are EU citizen-journalists protected?

The Center for European Union Research and the bEUcitizen project invite you to a roundtable on ‘The EU and the protection of civil rights in Europe – what is the added value?’.

The event brings together researchers involved the EU funded bEUcitizen research project (FP7). Gathering 26 European universities, the project explores from a multidisciplinary and multinational perspective barriers to the exercise of European Union citizenship.

In this roundtable, researchers involved in Work Package 7, dealing with Civil Rights, and Work Package 5 (TCB) concerning Economic Rights (TBC), will present the early findings of case studies which explored the extent to which particular civil rights of EU citizens are guaranteed in selected member states.

The roundtable will start with a guest presentation on the horizontal application of the Charter by Sybe de Vries (Utrecht University), which will address the controversial issue of the scope of application of EU law and its human rights standards. It will be followed by presentations by Henri de Waele (Antwerp University) and Hanneke van Eijken (TBC), who will investigate the extent to which specific EU citizenship rights, such as the right of EU citizens and their family members to move and reside in other EU member states, and their capacity to exercise their mobility rights through access to travel documents, are actually enforced on the ground. Finally, Orsolya Salat will look at the challenges ahead, to protect the freedom of expressions of EU Citizen-Journalists and media pluralism.

Please register here.


Download the event poster here.