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Workshop on Digital Democracy

Academic & Research
The CEU Campus
Monday, February 8, 2016, 10:30 am – Tuesday, February 9, 2016, 12:30 pm

Center for Network Science cordially invites you to attend the workshop    


CEU Budapest, February 8-9, 2016

Nádor u. 9. Room 201


This is an informal workshop with the aim of bringing together experts with different backgrounds to learn about each other’s approaches and results, which can be used to investigate the challenging phenomenon of digital democracy and with further targeting the formation of a consortium for an H2020 project.

The workshop is open for the CEU community, while the discussions about the formation of the consortium and the preparation of the project will be in closed meetings.

We are looking forward to an exciting and fruitful meeting!

The organizers:

Levi Littvay and Janos Kertesz


CEU Budapest, February 8-9, 2016
Nádor u. 9. Room 201
This is an informal workshop with the aim of bringing together experts with different backgrounds to learn about each other’s approaches and results, which can be used to investigate the challenging phenomenon of digital democracy and with further targeting the formation of a consortium for an H2020 project.
The workshop is open for the CEU community, while the discussions about the formation of the consortium and the preparation of the project will be in closed meetings.
Monday, February 8
Tuesday, February 9
10:30 Opening and introduction
9:30 Christophe Heintz (CEU)
Taha Yasseri (Univ. Oxford)
Kimmo Kaski (Aalto Univ.)
Helen Margetts (Univ. Oxford via Skype)
Enys Mones (Danish Techn. Univ.)
Robert Krimmer (Tallin Tech. Univ.)
12:30 Lunch
13:00 Lunch
14:00-18:00 Closed session
14:30 André Krouwel (Kieskompas)
Alexander Trechsel (European Univ.)
16:00-18:00 Closed session
19:00 Dinner
We are looking forward to an exciting and fruitful meeting!
The organizers:
Levi Littvay and Janos Kertesz


Monday, February 8

10:30 Opening and introduction

Taha Yasseri (Univ. Oxford)

Helen Margetts (Univ. Oxford via Skype)

Robert Krimmer (Tallin Tech. Univ.)

13:00 Lunch

14:30 André Krouwel (Kieskompas)

Alexander Trechsel (European Univ.)

16:00-18:00 Closed session

19:00 Dinner


Tuesday, February 9

9:30 Christophe Heintz (CEU)

Kimmo Kaski (Aalto Univ.)

Enys Mones (Danish Techn. Univ.)

12:30 Lunch

14:00-18:00 Closed session