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Valentine's Day Ice Skating Party 2016

University Life
The CEU Campus
Friday, February 12, 2016, 6:00 pm

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The CEU tradition continues!

The 13th annual Valentine's Day Ice Skating Party is going to take place on February 12, Friday at Arena Plaza Jégterasz (1087 Budapest, Kerepesi ut 9), in front of the shopping mall.

Students, faculty, staff and alumni are all invited. Relatives and friends are also welcome. Just make sure you have your CEU ID with you - one ID per group is enough.
Entrance is free!

Have no skates? You can rent them on the spot. Rentals available for 650 HUF/hour, 1200 HUF/2hours, 1650 HUF/3hours 2000/4hour 1500/all evening with CEU ID card.

Can't skate? Don't worry, there'll be three trainers between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. to teach you the basics.


· Please take your CEU ID card with you for entry and for rent.
· No food or drink is allowed in the ice rink.
· It is highly recommended to wear gloves when ice skating.
· Smoking is allowed only in the designated areas.
· Cloakroom is available for 100 HUF.

Access: Metro line 2 to Keleti railway station, then on foot or one stop with the trolleybus No.80
From the Residence Center: Stadionok metro station, then two stops with the trolleybus No.80
Use this map to plan your route.

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