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The Black Adriatic: 'Race' and Racialisation in the Study of South-East Europe

The CEU Campus
Friday, February 26, 2016, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

CEU Gender Studies Workshop

 Catherine Baker:

The Black Adriatic: 'Race' and Racialisation in the Study of South-East Europe

 Time: 26th of February, 2016     1pm – 3pm

Venue: CEU Nádor 9. FT 808

ABSTRACT: Ethnicity and nationhood are core concepts in east European studies, but can the same be said about race? Or does the region's place in global history, as an area more subject to than implicated in forms of imperial domination, make questions of 'race' and racialisation less urgent for understanding South-East Europe than they are for 'the West' or 'the Global South'? With studies of anti-Semitism, antiziganism and interwar eugenics having already demonstrated the place of racial thinking in the construction of 20th-century ethno-national identities across the region, and with transnational histories of the Cold War offering new insights into understandings of 'race' during state socialism and the Non-Aligned Movement, this workshop invites participants to ask how putting critical perspectives on 'race' and racialisation at the centre of researchers' conceptual toolkit might reframe research agendas in the area or discipline they study.

STRUCTURE: Catherine Baker will introduce the workshop and discuss some work in progress on popular music and on the politics of migration and security. For the second part of the workshop, please come prepared with one empirical example of where 'race' deserves more attention in the study of the region, one conceptual suggestion for how attention to 'race' or racialisation could develop a conceptual framework you use in your research, and one concern you have about researching 'race' and racialisation in South-East Europe. 

APPLICATION: Please RSVP to Petra Bakos Jarrett at by the 22nd of February with your name, program, and a two sentence proposal in which you explain how your research could benefit from or connect to the workshop topic.

The workshop is open for all students of CEU, but the organizers will prioritize students from the departments of Gender Studies, History, Nationalism Studies, and Sociology and Social Anthropology.