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Final Lecture of the Master Course in Archaeological Heritage: Integrated Heritage Management: Challenging Values – Changing Attitudes

Monday, February 29, 2016, 5:30 pm

The Archaeolingua Foundation and the Cultural Heritage Studies Program, CEU
cordially invite you to the sixth and final lecture of
Integrated Utilization of Advanced Technology in Archaeology
and Heritage Preservation Today
Master Course and Continuing Professional Education Course:

Much of the work that archaeologists undertake today draws on public funds and public financing and is carried out in the name of the public. The Council of Europe heritage conventions recog-nise the importance of building public awareness to conserve and protect the heritage and the need to engage local, community, and public values as a means of achieving public participation in heritage. Much of this communication is, however, top down and one-way. Public benefit is easy to claim, but much more difficult to demonstrate in practice and transform into meaningful political support. Furthermore, there remains little understanding of what the public (or pub-lics) want from archaeologists. The lecture will discuss the nature of the relationship between heritage man-agement and research in the context of ongoing changes and developments in archaeological practices. If ar-chaeology is to survive and prosper, archaeologists must learn better how to fulfil a public role by engaging with communities as co-creators – placing the past at the service of the public so that it is relevant and useful in the context of their daily lives.

Adrian Olivier retired from English Heritage in 2012 where he was Heritage Protection Director and Head of Profes-sion for Archaeology. He was the founding President of the European Archaeological Council. He has a strong interest in wetlands archaeology and in recent years has become increasingly involved in maritime archaeology and is currently Chair of the Nautical Archaeological Society. He continues to publish on heritage management issues and provide stra-tegic and professional advice to organisations and agencies across Europe; he is an advisor to the EU funded Cradles of European Culture Project (Francia Media), and a member of the Society of Antiquaries Research Committee. He is an Honorary Professor at University College London Institute of Archaeology, and has recently been appointed Chair of the National Trust Historic Environment Advisory Group.

The lecture will be summarized and commented by Katalin Wollák (Chief counsellor at Gyula Forster National Centre for Cultural Heritage Management, Vicepresident of Europae Archaeoligiae Consilium). The session will be introduced and moderated by Erzsébet Jerem (Director of Archaeolingua Foundation, Senior Research Fellow at Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Archaeology, Budapest) and by József Laszlovszky (Department of Medieval Studies, Cultural Heritage Studies Program, CEU).