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Diasporas, nation states and mainstream societies in Central and Eastern Europe

The CEU Campus
Thursday, April 7, 2016, 10:00 am – Friday, April 8, 2016, 1:00 pm

The Central European UniversityNationalism Studies Program and  The ERSTE Foundationcordially invite you to a workshop:Diasporas, nation states and mainstream societies in Central and Eastern EuropeCEU Faculty Tower 4097 April Szabolcs Pogonyi, CEU: “Engaging the Transnation. Bottom-up Perspectives on Hungarian Diaspora Politics”

10.20-10.40 - Svetluša Surova, Comenius University: “National and Ethnic Identifications among Members of Slovak Diaspora in Serbia: Stranded in Between Serbian State and Slovak Ethnicity”

10.40-11.00 - Daniela Ortner & Laura Hossu : “To Invest or Not? Cultural Influences on Entrepreneurial Intentions of Hungarian, Polish and Romanian Diasporas from Austria”

11.00-11.20 Irina Culic, Babes-Bolyai University: Between National Minority and Diaspora: Hungarian Language Higher Education in Romania, 2000-2015

11.40-12.00 Jakub Grygar & Karel Cada : “Vietnamese Diaspora in Prague: Food, Consumption, and Socio-material Proximity in the Making of Cosmopolitan city”

 12.00-12.20 Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković, Institute for Balkan Studies: “Contemporary Romanian Labour Migration to Serbia – Towards a New Paradigm of Diaspora”

12.20 – 12.40 Oana Negru-Subtirica, Babes-Bolyai University: “Dimensions of Ethnicity Negociations in Diasporas”

12.40 -13.00 - Remus Gabriel Anghel, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities: “Migration and Return in Romania's El Dorado.”

8 April:

09.40-10.00 Laszlo Kornel Janos & Marta Rado, Corvinus University: ” Bad neighbours?” Roma Diaspora and Radical Right Electoral Performance in Central Eastern Europe

10.00-10.20  Florin Faje, Babeș-Bolyai University: Nădlac, Speenhamland: Modalities of Closure in a Small Diaspora

10.20- 10.40 - Sorin Gog, Babes-Bolyai University: “European Union and the Ethno-political Construction of Roma Diaspora: Human rights, Citizenship and Social Inclusion”

10.40-11.00 Nataliia Gladkova,: “Mapping Political Mobilization of Ukrainian Diaspora Networks: A Case Study of the Czech Republic”

11.00-11.20 Gabriela Goudenhooft, University of Oradea:  Going Back Home Through One’s Language: Romanian diaspora in Germany, Identity and Media Reflection

11.40-12.00 Boriša Mraović,: “The Political Economy of diaspora – the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina”

12.00/12.20b Kateryna Ivaschenko-Stadnik, National Academy of Sciences (Kyiv, Ukraine): Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities of the “Near Diaspora” in a Country of Origin Perspective (Caution on Migrants-Stayers Nexus)

12.20-12.40 Natalia Cojocaru & Olga Cojocaru,: Making it Through: Pioneer Migration Pathways of Moldovans in Italy