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ELTE - CEU conference on migration

The CEU Campus
Friday, May 27, 2016, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

ELTE - CEU conference on migration


We are pleased to announce a joint conference of ELTE and CEU on migration. The materials of the conference come partly from a seminar held by Antal Örkény és György Csepeli at the Nationalism Studies Program at the CEU in the last academic year. ELTE students are involved in an ongoing migration research group started last October. In addition four short films connected to the issue of migration will be presented. The films were made by the students of the DocNomad Program run by the Szinház-és Filmművészeti Egyetem, Budapest.


The date of the conference: May, 27th, FridayPlace of the conference: CEU Building, Budapest, Október 6 street 7, room #101



Prof. György Csepeli and Prof. Antal Örkény


10.00 - 10.10 Introduction - Nayeem Mahbub: The Wait. 6’30


10.10 - 10.30 Alma Demszky and Erik Palusek

Media reactions to the mass sexual assaults in Cologne: A comparison between Hungary and Germany


10.30 - 10.50 Federica Simone

Migration and Media in Italy. An analysis of the media's portrayals of migrants and the reasons why skilled migrants do not chose to relocate in Italy


10.50 - 11.10 Anikó Kenéz

"...we would be refugees too..." - Analysis of Interviews about Refugee Situation in Hungary


11.00 - 11.30 Break


11.30 - 11.50 Farah Kassem: Nettoyer Schaerbeek 19’10


11.50 - 12.10 Gabriella Komoly, Borislav Buljic and Darko Majstorovic

Two Sides Now(Film presentation)


12.10 - 13.00 Lunch break


13.00 - 13.20 Zsófia Nagy

Collective action frames – the case of the Martonfa anti-refugee movement in Hungary


13.20 - 13.30 Arya Rothe: Casting Refugee: 10’00


13.30 - 13.50 Zsolt Szabolcsi

Moral Panic on the Hungarian Borders: A comparative analysis of the presentation of the migrant in the 6pm news


13.50 - 14.00 Svitlana Shymko: Here Together 9’30


14.00 - 14.20 Eszter Szőnyi and Thomas Van Roey

Refugees Welcome, Identity discourses on Twitter during the European ‘refugee crisis’


14.20 - 16.00

Discussion of the presentations and films

Prospects for further research