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EGWU: Our Energy (Exhibition of Oil Paintings by Kelechi Ahunanya)

Thursday, June 9, 2016, 5:30 pm – Thursday, June 23, 2016, 8:30 pm

Kelechi Ahunanya is a practicing Fine Artist, Illustrator and Graphic Artist, but also MA student of the Department of Medieval Studies at CEU. He uses strong colors and images in his paintings to express highly emotional and personal ‘case studies’ that portrays his heritage, the Igbo culture; his nationality, Nigeria and his residence Budapest. His works are mostly focused on energies and how energy is produced by music, dance, dancing and dancers.

Kelechi received his BA (Summa Cum Laude) in Art History and Studio Art from McDaniel College, Westminster, MD. He has also worked with Irisz Agócs (one of the fast-rising Hungarian Illustrator and Graphic Designer) in drawing and designing graphics and illustrations of the art objects for the permanent exhibition at the Ethnographic Museum, Szeged. Hungary. 

Opening speech by Marianne Saghy

Dance by Faisal Mohommad Usman

Music by CEU Choir

Reception to be followed! You are warmly welcome!