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7th Synergy Meeting - June 20-24, 2016

The CEU Campus
Monday, June 20, 2016, 1:00 pm – Friday, June 24, 2016, 5:00 pm

Members of the Somics project will have next week their 7th SYNERGY MEETING, (20-24 June 2016). You are all invited, if you are interested, to participate in the following events:

Monday 20 June, 13.00-18.30, (Room 101): Plenary session (open to members and guests of the department) – Collaborative work in progress:

Very short introductions by the PIs (5’ each)

Presentations (20’ each + 10’ discussion)

Suska (teaching project)
Tiffany (Mutual exclusivity project)
Matthias & Pavel  (Tracking project)

(15.00-15.30: Coffee break)

Katerina (Ostension Theta project)

Cordula & Tiffany (Boxes project)

Africa (Tube project)

(17.00 -17.30: Coffee break)

Dora Kampis (FB Identity Change project)

Alex & Christophe (sunk cost project)


Tuesday 21 June, 16.30 – 18.30, (Room 101): Tutorial (open to members and guests of the department) 

Tutorial on CAT (Cultural Attraction Theory) by Thom Scott-Phillips & Dan

 (background reading: T. Scott-Phillips, N. Claidière, D. Sperber (2014) How Darwinian is Cultural Evolution? Phil. Trans. B.  Available here: )


Wednesday, 22nd June, after the 17.00 Departmental Colloquium (Thom Scott-Phillips: Ostension and meaning in non-human primates), 19.30: Joint SOMICS – Colloquium dinner (Please register at the dinner doodle: if you have not yet done so)