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Einstein Colloquium

The CEU Campus
Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm

The  Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education on 6 September is hosting the   

Einstein Colloquium

The Einstein Papers Project, at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, publishes The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, the standard annotated edition of Einstein’s writings and correspondence. More than 80,000 primary archival documents are the foundation for the project’s work—a massive, historical, scientific, editorial enterprise that constitutes an indispensable knowledge resource for understanding modern science, technology, culture, and politics. The Einstein Colloquium will highlight results of recent research and provide reflections on broader themes.  


“Alltagsgeschichte and the Longue Durée of Einstein’s Century: Reflections on the Historian’s Craft” - Diana Kormos Buchwald, Professor of History at the California Institute of Technology and General Editor and Director of the Einstein Papers Project, edited the last seven volumes of The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein and oversaw the 2014 release of the online edition.

 “Einstein’s Winter Holiday 1919”  - Daniel Kennefick, Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Arkansas, is one of the authors of An Einstein Encyclopedia and the author of Travelling at the Speed of Thought: Einstein and the Quest for Gravitational Waves.

 " 'Bandit-like filthy Levantines, handsome and graceful to look at': Albert Einstein and the Western Gaze"  -  Ze’ev Rosenkranz, historian, Assistant Director and Senior Editor at the Einstein Papers Project, is author of Einstein Before Israel: Zionist Icon or Iconoclast? and The Einstein Scrapbook.

 “Searching for Wormholes between Physics and Music: The Case of Einstein and Schönberg” - József Illy, member of the Einstein Papers Project editorial team since 1991, is a retired Senior Research Associate of the Hungarian Institute of Isotopes, editor of Albert Meets America and author of The Practical Einstein.


A. J. Kox, historian of physics and Emeritus Professor at the University of Amsterdam; co-edited Volumes 3-14 of The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein and edited The Scientific Correspondence of H. A. Lorentz.