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1000 Years of Music: Concert of Trio Passacaglia

Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Salomon Rossi (1570-1630): Psalm 12

Jeney Zoltán (1943-): Honneni Elohim - Psalm 51/50 - excerpt from Funeral Rite

Salomon Rossi (1570-1630): Psalm 82 

Kurtág György (1926-): Népdalféle - excerpt from Signs, Games and Messages

Roumanian colindas from Bartók Béla’s (1881-1945) collection

Perotinus Magnus (1160-1230): Alleluja

A fényes nap immár elnyugodott.... - Hungarian Folksong

Ligeti György (1923-2006): Sonata for Cello Solo 




Maurice Ravel (1875-1937): Kaddish

Jeney Zoltán- Weöres Sándor: My beloved... - excerpt from Funeral Rite

Henry Purcell (1659-1695): Oh, Solitude, my sweetest choice

Adrian Cuello Piraquibis: Cancion de cuna - sephardic lullaby 

J.S: Bach (1685-1750): Sarabande from the Suite in c minor

Guillaume Dufay (1400 körül - 1474): Adieau m'amor... - chanson

Claudio Monteverdi: (1567-1643): Ohime ch' io cado

Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672): Psalm 111

Salomon Rossi (1570-1630): Psalm 128

Kodály Zoltán (1882-1967): Zöld erdőben...


Trio Passacaglia

Rajk Judit - contralto 

Kéringer László - tenor

Zétényi Tamás - violoncello


The admission is free!