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Securitizing Migration in Contemporary Hungary: From Discourse to Practice

Thursday, October 20, 2016, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

CEU's Migration Research Group (MiRG) will hold its first session of the semester:

Gabriella Göbl and Andras Szalai will present their research on "Securitizing Migration in Contemporary Hungary: From Discourse to Practice". 

Please join us in the event and the discussion of their work!

Bringing together the little connected migration scholarship at CEU departments, research centers, and other units, the newly established Migration Research Group (MiRG) now provides a platform across disciplines for faculty, students and researchers at CEU who have an interest in the study of mobility and migration. The group holds regular meetings for informal and congenial debate of migration topics and to discuss ongoing research of the members with a specialized audience.

Furthermore, it seeks to foster collaborative research among its members. Additionally, it organizes events, workshops, and public lectures to raise the visibility and impact of migration research at CEU.