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IAS 5th Anniversary Conference

Thursday, October 27, 2016, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Space and Place – New Perspectives for 21st Century Advanced Research

Thursday, October 27, Auditorium A




Welcome and opening


Liviu Matei

Provost and Pro-Rector, CEU


Nadia Al-Bagdadi

Director, IAS CEU


Keynote lectureBuilding Institutions with Ideas. On Institutes for Advanced Study - Scholarship and Politics


Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Wolf Lepenies


Professor Emeritus, Freie Universität, Berlin; Permanent Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin



Friday, October 28, Auditorium B


Registration and coffee

09:30 Film “5 years IAS CEU”Panel I. Splendid isolation or space for new dynamics – being a fellow at IAS



Susan Gal

Chair, Academic Advisory Board; Mae and Sidney G. Metzl Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics, University of Chicago





Erica Benner

Senior Fellow in Political Philosophy, Yale University; Fellow 2016/17


Corina L. Petrescu

Associate Professor of German, The University of Mississippi; currently Humboldt Fellow at the University of Potsdam; Fellow 2015/16


William O’Reilly

University Senior Lecturer in History, University of Cambridge; Fellow 2015/16; Long-term Fellow as of 2016


Curie Virág

Assistant Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Toronto; Fellow 2013-14;


Gábor Zólyomi

Associate Professor, Department of Assyriology and Hebrew Studies, Institute of Ancient Studies, Eötvös Loránd University; Fellow 2012/13


Coffee break

11:15 Panel II. New perspectives for 21st century advanced research – views from the foundations



Zsuzsanna Gábor

Director, Academic Cooperation and Research Office, CEU





Marian Barsoum

Coordinator, Economics, Sociology, Ethnology, Interdisciplinary field “International relations”, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Germany


Siegfried Beer

Director, Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies (BIAAS), USA


Göran Blomqvist

Chief Executive, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden


Olivier Bouin

Director, Network of French Institutes for Advanced Study, France



13:30 reflections

Alex Soros

Honorary Fellow, IAS CEU; Member of Board of Trustees, CEU

13:40 Panel III. New perspectives and new challenges for regional IAS 



Nadia Al-Bagdadi

Director, IAS CEU, Budapest





Diana Mishkova

Director and Academic Associate, Center for Advanced Study, Sofia


Shalini Randeria

Rector and Permanent Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna


Valentina Sandu-Dediu

Rector, New Europe College, Bucharest


Closing remarks