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Szabolcs Szuromi - Cohabitation of Different Religious Cultures in the Middle East and its Global Effects - Lecture

The CEU Campus
Friday, November 4, 2016, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

The Central European University

Nationalism Studies Program

cordially invites you to a lecture by

Szabolcs Szuromi

(Pázmány Péter Catholic University)

Cohabitation of Different Religious Cultures in the Middle East and its Global Effects

Historical and cultural background prior the 20th century; Common values and principles of Christian and Muslim religious teaching; The peaceful cohabitation on the day to day basis of different religions in the Middle East; Extremist groups and their judgment by the highest authorities of the different religious communities in the Middle East; Cohabitation and its possibilities of Middle Eastern religious communities within a society of different culture. 

Friday, 4 November at 10 a.m.Monument Building – Gellner Room

Prof. SZUROMI, Szabolcs Born in Budapest, Hungary (Europe), October 31, 1972. University studies: Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPCU), Budapest (J.C.D., 1999; Dr. Habil., 2002; S.Th.D., 2006). Full professor (since 2006) at the Canon Law Institute “ad instar facultatis” (PPCU, Budapest); President of the Canon Law Institute “ad instar facultatis” of PPCU (since 2006). Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (DSc. of Jurisprudence and Political Sciences, 2010). President of PPCU (since 2011). Chairman of the Hungarian Canon Law Association (since 2006). Chairman of the International Canon Law History Center, Budapest (since 2013). Member of the Academia Europaea (London, since 2015). During the last years have made significant work in the field of interreligious dialogue – establishing numerous cooperation –, particularly through personal negotiations in several countries of the Middle East.