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Turning the classroom inside out: Educating for democracy, human rights and open society.

Academic & Research
The CEU Campus
Tuesday, November 8, 2016, 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm

This event is organized by the Department of Legal Studies, Human RightS Initiative, Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education, and Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives, and is a satellite event of the Council of Europe’s World Forum for Democracy held in Strasbourg on November 7-9, 2016. The Forum focuses on the relationship between education and democracy and seeks to explore how education can help bridge the social divide and become a real asset for our diverse democracies. The aim of the CEU satellite event is to offer a broad overview of the role of education in democratic transition through a panel discussion, and to bring together a poster session showcasing a few examples of good practices of human rights education and civic engagement outside the strictly taken academic world.


For more information on the program, please see the invitation and the poster attached.


Please RSVP to by November 6.