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The Image, The Sign and Beyond

Thursday, November 24, 2016, 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm

Exhibition opening of works of ALEKSANDAR PANTIĆ (MFA), Art Education and Monumental Art specialist, a student of Cultural Heritage Studies at CEU.  Outline of the artist’s practice:"My personal creative and research artistic practices and interests are focused on attempts of creating artworks which initiates and emphasizes interactions between their formal visual, aesthetic and technical qualities, and their communicational and receptional qualities and values. While in the fields of theoretical research, I am interested in visual communications, notions of uniqueness, identity, continuality, discontinuity, heritage and development; artistic and crafting praxis as well as in visual culture and intercultural dialogues. The artworks shown in this exhibition are the selection of my latest works, created through 2015 and 2016. The basic idea that stands behind the Post-Modern Graphemes Serial is the attempt of creating simple visual art forms, in terms of both, the visual form and the artistic media; which by their formal-visual character needs to stand somewhere on the halfway between the representational image and the arbitrary graphic sign. Representational images are usually associated with various narratives, while the visual and graphic signs are usually a result of a cultural (social) convention which needs to be known by the viewers in order to make a meaning of a sign. The final intention is to see what kinds of interpretations those artworks might provoke on viewers." Opening speech by CEU Professors Gerhard Jaritz, József Laszlovszky and Marcell Sebők.  On-Line artist`s portfolio: