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Environmental Arts and Humanities Launch

Panel Discussion
Oto Hudec - Cite Radieuse
Tuesday, December 6, 2016, 5:15 pm – 6:45 pm

Gardening in mirror land

This opening event will combine a brief introduction to the Environmental Arts and Humanities Initiative and reflections on the meaning and relevance of environmental humanities with presentation of a concrete example of artistic practice in the field.

Slovak artist Oto Hudec (1981) will present his latest works about bees, water and climate refugees. He has worked in the US, South Korea, Cabo Verde and Portugal, while his practice includes painting, video, sculpture and art in public space with a focus on topics such as migration, social justice, and the impact of globalisation on the environment. 

Founding members of the Environmental Arts and Humanities Initiative will follow with brief responses to Oto’s work and reflections on the relevance of the environmental humanities for the research fields of gender studies, environmental ethics, and environmental anthropology.