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SPP Faculty Practitioner Career Talk - Brown Bag Lunch Series

Thursday, January 19, 2017, 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm

Graduate students hear all the time that they need to plan for their professional futures. They also need to prepare to take advantage of the unforeseen opportunities that they are likely to encounter.

This winter, four SPP faculty practitioners will share their career stories with CEU students. We will hear from a drug policy expert, a human rights policy advisor, a researcher with the World Bank, and the co-founder of an international human rights organization. This is a great opportunity to learn about the roles both planning and chance can play as individuals chart their paths.

Speaker bio: Drug policy expert and Latin America specialist Julia Buxton’s (initially reluctant) decision to focus her PhD on Venezuela, largely ignored by Western academics at the time, made her uniquely positioned to advise organizations about the country after Hugo Chavez was elected president. Julia’s engagement as a practitioner has included work on a range of issues in partnership with many organizations including the UK government, Sida, Oxford Analytica, and the Economist Intelligence Unit and in a number of country contexts including Nepal (DfID and USAID) and Pakistan (British Council). Prior to joining SPP, Julia taught at Bradford University, Kingston University and the London School of Economics, and led the Venezuela program at Georgetown University in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service.

Bring your own brown bag lunch and join us for an informal conversation about careers and professional life!

Advance registration requested. Please R.S.V.P. online here

Upcoming talks in the series:  February 2   / February 16 / March 2