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Professor Martens’ Revelation: Humanitarianism as Great Power Politics

The CEU Campus
Wednesday, February 1, 2017, 3:30 pm – 5:10 pm

The Department of International Relations cordially invites you to

Professor Martens’ Revelation: Humanitarianism as Great Power Politics

a departmental seminar by Alexander Astrov
WEDNESDAY, February 1, 2017 / 3:30 P.m. / Nador 15. Room 106

Abstract /  It is often said these days that the era of international humanitarianism is over and the ‘return of great power politics’ is coming in its stead. Speaking of ‘returns’, however, a closer look at the histories of both humanitarianism and great power politics suggests a different constellation, whereby the two practices, rather than being opposed to each other, are working in tandem. Certainly so in the case of Russia in the XIX century. Perhaps, this mutually reinforcing relationship between humanitarianism and great power politics is best exemplified in the thinking and multifaceted career of Russian lawyer/diplomat Fyodor Martens. 

Biography /  Alexander Astrov received his PhD from the department of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research is situated at the intersection of International Relations Theory and Political Theory, focusing mainly on the ideas of order and politics. He is particularly interested in the history and changing practices of "great powers" and their role in global political order. He published two monographs on these subjects and edited a volume exploring the idea of "great power management" as it appears in the writings of the English School of International Relations, continental political thought and contemporary state-practices.