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SPP Faculty Practitioner Career Talk - Brown Bag Lunch Series

Thursday, February 2, 2017, 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm

Graduate students hear all the time that they need to plan for their professional futures. They also need to prepare to take advantage of the unforeseen opportunities that they are likely to encounter. This winter, four SPP faculty practitioners will share their career stories with CEU students. We will hear from a drug policy expert, a human rights policy advisor, a researcher with the World Bank, and the co-founder of an international human rights organization. This is a great opportunity to learn about the roles both planning and chance can play as individuals chart their paths.

Speaker bio: In 2009, in connection with Iran's Green Movement, human rights activist and social entrepreneur Cameran Ashraf assembled a team providing digital security and Internet filter circumvention to activists, journalists, and individuals in closed societies. Cameran and his colleagues defended critical websites from state-sponsored attacks, provided personal communications security for hundreds of vulnerable activists and journalists, distributed proxy servers used by over 40,000 people daily, and enabled more than 3 million video downloads from behind the firewall. Subsequently, Cameran co-founded AccessNow, an international human rights organization dedicated to defending and extending the digital rights of users at risk around the world. In recognition of his work, the European Parliament selected AccessNow as a finalist for the 2010 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, Europe's highest human rights honor. Cameran holds a PhD from UCLA on the geopolitics of Internet censorship and cyberwar. In addition to teaching at SPP, he continues to work for human dignity and freedom of expression.

Bring your own brown bag lunch and join us for an informal conversation aout careers and professional life!

Advance registration requested. Please RSVP online here.

Upcoming talks in the series: February 16 / March 2