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Lecture Recital

Monday, February 20, 2017, 7:00 pm – 8:45 pm

Lecture Recital of Lorenzo Coppola (Italy-Spain)

on chalumeau and clarinetto d'amore


Lorenzo Coppola and the invited musicians will perform vocal and instrumental rarities by Graupner, Reinhardt, Vivaldi, Zelenka and Haydn played on Baroque instruments. The musical performance will be accompanied by Lorenzo Coppola’s short lecture presenting his unique historical woodwind instruments: the chalumeau and the clarinetto d'amore, predecessors of the modern clarinet. 

Lorenzo Coppola is an internationally renown musician of historical clarinet. He studied from Eric Hoeprich at The Hague Royal Conservatory (The Netherlands) between 1991 and 1995. Since 2004, he has been a  professor of historical clarinet at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya in Barcelona (Spain).  He works with several groups playing on historical instruments, including the Freiburger Barockorchester, an orchestra without conductor, specialized in Classical and early Romantic repertoire. This experience  brought him to lead workshops where he shares codes and historical strategies of handling rehearsals and concerts without a conductor. He recorded some of the most significant pieces of the clarinet repertoire with various groups such as the Ensemble Zefiro, the Ensemble Philidor, the Kuijken Quartett, the Freiburger Barockorchester for record labels like Harmonia Mundi, Callyope, Astrée-Auvidis, Challenge, and Sony.


With contribution of

Judit Rajk, László Kéringer – voice

Gergő Farkas – bassoon

Gábor Csonka, Júlia Rabovay – violin

András Kurgyis – viola

Mátyás Virág – cello

Dóra Pétery – organ, harpshichord


Admission is free!

Coorganized with CEU Cultural Heritage Program in the framework of HerMeS lecture-recital series. 

Supported by European Cultural Foundation Budapest and Hungarian National Cultural Fund (NKA)