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Five Years of "Hate Speech" Monologues

Arts & Entertainment
Monday, March 6, 2017, 5:30 pm – Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 8:00 pm

An exhibition of posters, pictures and articles of the "Hate Speech" Monologues performances at the occasion of the fifth main yearly performance. The "Hate Speech" Monologues is a multicultural community theater that engages us in reflection on 'hate speech' and prejudices in societies we live in - including our own prejudices. So far, it has been performed by CEU students and Peter Molnar who invented the "Hate Speech" Monologues at CEU in 2012 (as an optional part of his Department of Public Policy course on Enabling Policies for Responding to "Hate Speech" in Practice) and has directed it since then. The “Hate Speech” Monologues have been supported by the Student Union since 2014, and by the CEU Humanities Initiative since 2016.

Supported by Student Union