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“Are You Game?” Origin, Transformation, and Culture of Games

University Life
Tuesday, March 7, 2017, 5:00 pm – Friday, March 10, 2017, 7:00 pm

“Are You Game? Origin, Transformation, and Culture of Games” is a multiday, interactive event designed by the Cultures in Danger (CiD) Student Initiative to entertain and educate members of the CEU and local Budapest community about game culture and the significant role games play in cultures across the world and throughout time. Games and the act of playing are an essential part of physical, psychological, as well as social development. This event focuses on the latter: games are a vital component of cultural heritage and social identity, yet are rarely seen as such. Therefore, this project’s exhibition, public lecture, workshop, and scavenger hunt aim to increase the awareness of the importance of games and the cultures they embody, so that future generations will continue to play and embrace games. 

Have you ever wondered how games are part of our culture and everyday life? Do you know where our well-known games come from? Do you know their origins? Have you ever noticed how the shift from traditional to modern games happened? Yes? No? It does not matter! You can get all the answers, even maybe more, from this four-day long event with various exciting programs.

Tuesday, 7 March

17.00-18.00, Exhibition Hall (15 Nador Street, Basement)
Opening of the Exhibition “Collective Imagination:  Reconstructing the Practice of Traditional Games”
Announcement of “Snapshot of Games” Photo Contest Winners

18.00-19.30, Quantum Room (15 Nador Street, 1st Floor)
Public lecture by Dr. Tamás Régi: "Traditional Games in Africa: The History and Politics of Mancala in Ethiopia"
Reception to Follow

Wednesday, 8 March
16.00-20.00, Popper Room (9  Nador Street, Monument Building, room 102)
Gamification Workshop

Friday, 10 March
11.00-19.00, 15 Nador Street, various spots. Starting point: groundfloor, the area in front of the elevators
“The Survival Game” Scavenger Hunt