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Finding a way home?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Although there are a number of policy-oriented studies of refugee returns, theoretical and comparative works are rare. This talk aims to contribute to current theoretical and policy work with the discussion of new methodological tools and a testable framework for the study of voluntary return. Specifically, it focuses on cases of forced displacement in Bosnia, Turkey, and Cyprus and probes the following issues: How do victims of displacement choose to return to their pre-conflict homes?  What factors explain initial intentions and sustainable returns? How could novel institutional solutions address the immediate and long term needs of the displaced?

Djordje Stefanovic is a EURIAS Fellow at the CEU Institute for Advanced Study and an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Criminology, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. His expertise is in the use of quantitative and historical methods in the study of ethnic conflicts. His dissertation (Sociology, University of Toronto, 2008) considered the causes of the Yugoslav break-up. His post-doctoral research (Nuffield College, Oxford University) centered on the quantitative analysis of far right support in Eastern Europe. His subsequent research focused on durable solutions to forced displacement in the Balkans and the Middle East. His work has been published in Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Refugee Studies, Europe-Asia Studies, European History Quarterly, and Political Psychology (forthcoming).