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Gamification Workshop

Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

The program is the part of the even series “Are You Game?” Origin, Transformation, and Culture of Games

How would you make people to eat fruits everyday? How can we teach the kids what is air pollution? Are you always the one who fights with everyone and tries to teach important things to others? Sometimes you just sit and meditate about the things in life? 
If ever in your life these or similar questions popped into your mind, and especially if NOT, than you just have to come to our Gamification Workshop, where you can learn more about gamification plus you will get the chance to save the world.

In this two and half an hours, you can take a closer look at the theory of gamification and the 6D model with the help of a professional, Szilvia Zsargó. Then you will have the chance to try it out and create something based on your own ideas and solutions, then present the result to the others and have a discussion about it. 

To participate at the program, first you need to register here: