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Bhutan: the Land of Gross National Happiness in Transition from Feudalism to 21th Century Modernity

The CEU Campus
Monday, March 13, 2017, 5:00 pm

SPEAKER / Zoltan Valcsicsak, social entrepreneur, President, Hungary-Bhutan Friendship Society

Bhutan is a Buddhist constitutional monarchy in the Himalayas where a young king in the 1970s declared to follow Gross National Happiness (GNH) as his enlightened leadership policy. Since then, modernity and globalization have benefited Bhutan in many ways, but also created unprecedented changes in the tiny country challenging traditional values and society. Zoltan will take the audience on a fascinating journey in time and space discovering the remote country's hidden faces through personal stories and beautiful pictures and videos. Come and discover many treasures of Bhutan hidden high in the mountains: from centuries-old Buddhist monasteries to phallus-decorated village houses, from endangered elusive species to colorful mask dancers, from traditional ceremonies to emerging rock bands, from GDP to GNH.