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Military Power, Conflict Management and Terrorism

The CEU Campus
Monday, April 3, 2017, 9:00 am – Wednesday, April 5, 2017, 6:00 pm

This three-day module is one of four courses in a Masters degree that the BI Norwegian Business School has developed that focuses on new security issues and conflict management. The program is designed to give participants the best possible qualifications for making assessments both as individuals and as part of a unit/team, drawing on resources from a broad range of fields of expertise, including intelligence services, special forces, diplomats, international organizations and leading international research communities. The three-day module at CEU addresses new security challenges in Europe, with a special focus on the conflict in the Ukraine and EU – Russia relations. Topics include the historical context and new security threats, the military, diplomatic and energy-related aspects of the crisis, and the overall current situation and future scenarios for the region. Central questions are: How is tension between Russia and the west changing? What are the dynamics of the conflict in the Ukraine? How might a widening of the Ukrainian crisis affect Norwegian actors? What makes this crisis different from others where Norway has been involved?


Paul Roe is Associate Professor at the CEU Department of International Relations. He holds a PhD from the Department of International Politics at the University of Aberystwyth, and has been a Visiting Researcher at the then Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI) and also at the Peace Research Institute in Oslo (PRIO). Paul Roe’s research focuses on Strategic Studies and Security Studies. He has written several articles and books on security dilemma, societal security, and securitization, and security issues in Europe. His books include Ethnic Violence and the Societal Security Dilemma (Routledge 2005) as well as forthcoming volumes on Positive Security (Routledge) and Gender and Security: Research, Teaching, and Learning (Palgrave MacMillan). His seminar will focus on the changing security agenda in Europe and new security threats.

Andreas Goldthau is Professor at the School of Public Policy at CEU, Visiting Scholar at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University, and Fellow with the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin. He has written several books and articles on energy security, the political economy of energy markets and on global governance issues related to oil and gas. His latest books include A Liberal Actor in a Realist World. The EU Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy (Oxford University Press 2015), The Global Energy Challenge: Environment, Development and Security (Palgrave Macmillan 2015), and the Wiley Handbook on Global Energy Policy (Wiley Blackwell, 2013). His seminar will focus on the energy dimension of the new security challenges in Europe.

Nick Sitter is Professor at the BI Department of Law and the School of Public Policy at CEU. His has written several articles and books on politics in Central Europe, EU public policy, and terrorism and counter-terrorism. His books include A Liberal Actor in a Realist World. The EU Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy (Oxford University Press 2015) and Terrorismens Historie (Deryer, forthcoming), and Understanding Public Management (Sage 2008). His seminar will focus on the political and economic tension in Hungary following its departure from the liberal democratic model and in the light of the close relationship between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

Wolfgang Sporrer is chief political adviser to the Head of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine. In this capacity, he advises the Head of Mission on the mission’s policy direction, analyses political developments throughout Ukraine and interacts with local politicians and other stakeholders. During the outbreak of the conflict, he lived in Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine, also working for the OSCE. He has also held several other senior positions in the OSCE in South Eastern Europe, including as Head of Elections and Democratisation at the OSCE Presence in Albania. Prior to his engagement with the OSCE, Mr. Sporrer has worked for the EU Delegation in Moscow and has built up and headed the representation of the European Commission in Baku, Azerbaijan. He has also headed the representation of the Austrian energy company OMV there where he was in charge of promoting and negotiation the Nabucco pipeline project. He has frequently lectured on European security policy and on energy diplomacy at the universities of Marburg and Hamburg (Germany), the State University of Baku (Azerbaijan), at the Dokkyo University in Japan as well as at SPP’s Global Policy Academy.