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Job search - where to start?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm

Job search - where to start?

On of the most difficult part of the job searching is knowing where to start. One can always google 'jobs for graduates', but nothing is more discouraging than a huge amount of not relevant results.

Let us share some CEU-relevant resources and ideas you can use to stay focused and efficient in your job hunt.

- Jobs and resources collection on career>next
- Where do alumni work after CEU?
- Using LinkedIn and Facebook in your search
- Personalized CEU career consultation options

CEU students are kindly invited to join our info sessions during the lunch break and find out more!

IMPORTANT: This session will be delivered twice in May! So if you can't make it on May 16, join our other session on May 25.