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Open Society and 21st Century Globalization

The CEU Campus
Monday, May 22, 2017, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

ABSTRACT 21st century globalization—world-wide supply chains, instant communications, the rise of China, the relative decline of the United States—pose obvious challenges to the open society model.  Will the liberal democratic ideal survive 21st century globalization?

/ Niall Ferguson, is a senior fellow of the Hoover Institution, Stanford, and the Center for European Studies, Harvard. He has authored fourteen books and his 2011 feature-length film Kissinger won the New York International Film Festival’s prize for best documentary. His PBS series The Ascent of Money won the International Emmy for best documentary. His many prizes and awards include the Benjamin Franklin Prize for Public Service (2010), the Hayek Prize for Lifetime Achievement (2012), the Ludwig Erhard Prize for Economic Journalism (2013), and the Philip Merrill Award for Outstanding Contributions to Liberal Arts Education (2016). He writes a weekly column for the London Sunday Times and the Boston Globe.

Please register for the event by May 19 using this form.