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Peer to Peer Advising - Job Search in the UK

Monday, May 22, 2017, 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm

CEU students are kindly invited to join "Job Search in the UK" peer to peer info session.

About / This session is designed to provide information, support, and guidance to all those who are considering applying for roles in the UK after graduation.  We will provide a range of useful tips and suggestions on how to kickstart your UK job search, including how to navigate UK graduate job websites and understand UK job advertisements; using social media to establish UK networking and job market opportunities; and tips on how to present your qualifications and experience as positively as possible to a UK audience.

We will also outline the practical steps you can take to boost your UK- focused CV while at CEU. This session aims to benefit all those interested in the UK as a work destination, whether they have previous professional experience or not.

Speaker / The session will be led by Stephen Westlake, who is a current CEU student (History, 2YMA) with recent professional experience working within the UK as a Job Coach for Coventry City Council, providing bespoke advice on CV building, job search, interview preparation and making the transition from education to the world of work.