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Careers in Research

Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Research is a broad field encompassing careers in various sectors, from demographic data to consumer behaviors, from political research to financial analysis. While a lage number of our graduates apply research in their work, according to LinkedIn, 10% of our them consider research as their primary work function in their current job. Be it academic, commercial, political, social, or scientific, their work has an impact in many sectors.

To help you learn more about opportunities for researchers in Europe and about what it’s like to apply for research jobs with a CEU degree, we’ve invited representatives of EURAXESS - Researchers in motion  and a few CEU alumni to visit on May 23rd. Check the schedule below and let us know you're joining, or campus or through online connection:  


Introducing EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion
a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers: thousands of job offers, funding opportunities and free assistance when changing countries for work.

15.45– 16.00

CEU Services for researchers. RESAVER
Learn about a way of keeping the continuity of pension savings as you move from one research project to the next. 

17.30– 19.00 Careers in research: panel discussion with CEU alumni in international careers
See who's coming.


Careers in Research is one of the events organized as part of the CARERA - Supporting European research career choices and opportunities for students and researchers in Hungary: ERA Mobility and Career Day -  a one-year long project funded by the European Commission through Horizon 2020. The action builds on the support of EURAXESS network - a pan-European initiative supported by the European Union with the purpose to support researcher mobility and career development and to enhance collaboration within Europe and between Europe and the world.

In November 2017 Central European University will host the central, large scale conference targeting researchers in all Hungarian higher education institutions, public and non-public research institutes, doctoral student associations, etc. Our consortium partners are the Association of Hungarian Women in Science, a Civil Society Organization working very closely with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Hungarian EURAXESS bridgehead organization Bay Zoltan Ltd.