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The Future of the EU beyond Rome: Views from the Visegrad Countries

Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

Against the backdrop of the emergence of unprecedentedly many cleavages across the EU as the result of the refugee and migration crisis, increasing populism across the continent as well as the looming Brexit, member states decided to rethink where the EU is headed and present their new ideas by the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Rome Treaty in March 2017. This is the declared culmination of the so-called Bratislava Process, which also stands witness to the rising ambition of the Visegrad states who now also seek to shape the future of the EU.

The discussion seeks to evaluate the outcome of the Bratislava Process from the individual Visegrad countries’ point of view and will seek to highlight how they see the future of Europe in the world, what role they seek for themselves and for their bigger counterparts (esp. Germany and France) and specifically, how they see the future of European security and defense cooperation as an area of increasing prominence.

Please find the detailed programme attached below.

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