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Facilitative versus Evaluative Mediation: US Perspectives

Tuesday, May 30, 2017, 5:30 pm

The Department of Legal Studies cordially invites you to

‘Facilitative versus Evaluative Mediation: US Perspectives’

a lecture by

Anne Dalton


May 30, Tuesday, 2017, 5.30 p.m., room 516/A, Nádor u. 13


Anne Dalton, Esquire, J.D., Diplomate with the Florida Academy of Professional Mediators, will present a lecture on Facilitative versus Evaluative Mediation with particular focus on the American context. Mrs. Dalton will draw on her professional experience of mediating in excess of 6,000 American court cases with over 20,000 litigants in 40 years of law practice in New York City and southwest Florida. Specific examples of the benefits and drawbacks of each style will be analyzed.  A review of liability concerns attendant upon each approach will be presented. Her conclusions may surprise you! Come for a lively evening of discussion.


Bio: Anne Dalton, Esquire, J.D., is an Attorney, Professional Mediator, Arbitrator, General Magistrate and Hearing Examiner licensed in New York and Florida. She is a Diplomate with the Florida Academy of Professional Mediators and Distinguished Neutral with the National Academy in the United States. Mrs. Dalton has mediated in excess of 6,000 American court cases of all types with over 20,000 litigants in her 40 years of practicing law. She began her legal career as counsel to ABC Network News in New York City and as Senior Attorney to Radio City Music Hall.  She is a graduate of New York University (B.A.) and Fordham University School of Law (J.D.) in New York City and has attended post-graduate law classes in NYU’s LLM Program.