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From Humanities to Social Sciences: Visionary Experience in Cross-Disciplinary Perspective Workshop, 3-5 July 2017

Monday, July 3, 2017, 10:00 am – Wednesday, July 5, 2017, 1:00 pm

The Center for Religious Studies
In cooperation with the Department of History,
the Department of Medieval Studies,
and the
Department of Sociology and Social Anthropologycordially invite you to the workshop From Humanities to Social Sciences:  Visionary Experience in Cross-Disciplinary PerspectiveMonday-Wednesday
3-5 July 2017

Nádor u. 15, Room 101

About the workshop: The workshop is a joint enterprise of three research groups. Scholars from the Departments of History, Medieval Studies, Sociology and Anthropology at the Central European University  (CEU) engage here in discussion with researchers of the “Vision Thing” group that grew out from the 2007-2008 Summer Institute of CASBS Stanford and Collegium Budapest, directed by William A. Christian Jr. and Gábor Klaniczay, and the ERC funded “East-West research group on ethnology of religion” originally at the University of Pécs and currently at the Institute of Ethnology of the Research Center for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences  (MTA BKK), directed by Éva Pócs. The CEU Humanities Initiative is funding this discussion on the state of scholarship, the theoretical aspects and new perspectives on the research on visions. The speakers of the workshop participate, on Sunday, July 2, at a joint excursion to Mátraverebély, a Marian cult-site in north-eastern Hungary, and to the adjacent holy well at Mátraszentimre – Fallóskút, which used to be the apparition site of a Hungarian seer Klára Csépe.

Supported by:
The Central European University
Humanities Initiative 

Please find the program attached below.
For more information, please contact the Center for Religious Studies at