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7th Joint Action Meeting - JAM VII

Academic & Research
Saturday, July 22, 2017, 9:00 am – Wednesday, July 26, 2017, 6:00 pm

Our bi-annual Joint Action Meeting (JAM) brings together cognitive scientists and researchers from related disciplines who share an interest in individuals’ ability to act together.


JAM VII (2017): July 22 - 26, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

We invite you to attend the 7th bi-annual Joint Action Meeting (JAM) which brings together cognitive scientists and researchers from related disciplines studying individuals’ ability to act together.

Human life is full of joint actions, ranging from a handshake to the performance of a symphony. We are highly skilled at coordinating our actions with those of others to reach common goals, and rely on this ability throughout our daily lives. What are the cognitive and neural processes underlying this ability? How does joint action develop? How do language and gesture support and emerge from joint action? What are the basic principles needed to build robotic systems that can interact with humans? What might differentiate joint action from individual action, both conceptually and in terms of experience? The scientific program will comprise oral presentations and posters addressing these and related questions. Contributions will present the latest research and thinking on a range of different topics, including language as a form of joint action, the interplay of perception and action in joint action, and the phylogenetic, ontogenetic, and cultural foundations of joint action.


We invite submissions for talks (about 20 minutes) or posters on joint action. Please e-mail an abstract with the subject “JAM submission” to The abstract should be no longer than 200 words. The email should contain your name, affiliation, and contact address. Please indicate whether you prefer a talk or a poster. Deadline for submission is March 1 2017.

The abstract title should clearly define the work discussed. Abstracts reporting empirical studies must contain the specific goals of the study, the methods used, a summary of the results, and a conclusion. For theoretical work, the abstract should contain the specific goals and clear conclusions. Please note that although we do encourage submissions from a broad range of topics and perspectives, we will only be able to accept contributions that directly inform our understanding of joint action. We will do our best to accommodate your preference for talk/poster, but given the tight schedule we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your preference. 


If you would like to attend JAM 7 without presenting a talk or poster, please send an e-mail with the subject “JAM Registration” to The email should contain your name, affiliation, and contact address. Note that first authors on accepted submissions are automatically registered.

All participants are asked to contribute a registration fee to the meeting. The registration fee is £50 for students (including PhD students) and £100 for all other participants. 

The registration system can be accessed here: