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Neuroscience SYMPOSIUM: Brain mechanisms of navigation in physical and cognitive spaces

The CEU Campus
Thursday, August 31, 2017, 2:30 pm – 4:45 pm

The Department of Cognitive Science cordially invites you to the

NEUROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM : Brain mechanisms of navigation in physical and cognitive spaces

on 2017 August 31 Thursday 2:30 - 4:45 PM

Location:CEU Nador 15 - Auditorium


This is a special symposium with four outstanding scientist (three Nobel laureates and one Brain Prize winner) who share their broader view on how the brain solves the problem of representing real distances and spaces as well as abstract cognitive spaces and related knowledge by partially similar yet different mechanisms.



 14:30 - Welcome notes: Michael Ignatieff

 14:35 - John O’Keefe  (University College London):  Cognitive Maps, Exploration and Curiosity-Driven Learning

 15:05 - Edvard Moser (Norwegian University of Science and Technology): Grid cells and the brain´s spatial mapping system

 15:35 - 15: 45: Break

 15:45 - May-Britt Moser (Norwegian University of Science and Technology): Grid cells, object representations, and memory

 16:15 - György Buzsáki (New York University): From navigation to memory and planning

 16:45 - Reception  (Nador 13)


Registration is kindly requested HERE. Deadline is August 28, midnight.