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“The Scientist and Policy Making”

Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 9:30 am – 11:00 am

The School of Public Policy (CEU) hosts and invites you to a panel discussion organized by the Section “Economics, Business and Management Sciences” of the Academia Europaea with the support of the Global Labor Organization (GLO)

Evidence-free policy making is on the move. This is a particular challenge for the relationship between scientists and policymakers. A workshop with a high-ranked panel of scientists in Budapest engaged in policy advice and policy-making will debate this in the face of the ongoing debates surrounding policy challenges faced by modern societies in Europe and beyond.


Welcome: Martin Kahanec, Acting Head of the School of Public Policy; Central European University (CEU); MAE; Fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO); Founding Scientific Director of CELSI

Panel Chair: Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & MAE; President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO), Section Chair of the Academia Europaea for “Economics, Business and Management Sciences”; Former President of DIW Berlin & Founding Director of IZA.

Participants on the panel:
Martin Kahanec
Andreu Mas-Colell, University Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and Barcelona GSE, MAE & GLO; Recipient of the Erasmus Medal of the Academia Europaea 2017; former Minister for Universities and Research and former Minister of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia.
Sergiu Hart, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & MAE; Founding Director of the Center for the Study of Rationality.
Frederick van der Ploeg, Oxford University, MAE & GLO; Former State Secretary of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands, former Member of the Dutch Parliament.

MAE & GLO Economists in Budapest