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Using Controlled Experiments to Measure the Effects of Advertising

The CEU Campus
Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm

David H. Reiley is an economist in the advertising-science group at Pandora and an Adjunct Professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information. He previously spent more than seven years at Google and Yahoo! Research, primarily working on experiments to measure the effects of online advertising. He started his career as an economics professor at Vanderbilt University and at the University of Arizona.

He has developed a course on field experiments for the master's program in data science at the UC Berkeley School of Information, with the course offered for the first time in Fall 2014.

“I am passionate about the use of field experiments in economics and the social sciences, and I have spent my career promoting their use. Before my dissertation at MIT in 1996, field experiments were quite rare in economics. Now there are dozens of people regularly performing field experiments to learn about economic and social behavior. Most people still consider economics to be an observational rather than an experimental science, but that has been changing significantly.”