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Practising Refugee Law in the Heart of a Refugee Crisis: the case of Greece

Thursday, October 5, 2017, 4:15 pm – 6:00 pm

In what conditions do refugees find themselves in Greece at the moment and what are their - feasible - options for building their future in Europe? What are the legal tools the ones who are detainees can resort to? These are some of the questions we will try to address, focusing especially on the relation between Greece and the EU and the impact that EU decisions have on individuals on the borders. In particular, we will consider the EU-Turkey deal, its implications and the grounds on which its appeal has recently been rejected. 

After studying law and political science at the University of Athens, Athanasia Georgopoulou specialised in Human Rights Law at the European Inter-University Centre based in Venice (Italy). At the moment she is a refugee lawyer for the Greek Council for Refugees (GRC - Athens), for which she is currently working in the Detention Program. She is a member of the Group of Lawyers for the Rights of Migrants and for Refugees. 

Organized by the Migration Research Group at the Department of Political Science.

Bringing together the diverse migration scholarship at CEU departments, research centers, and other units, the Migration Research Group (MiRG) has been established in 2016, providing a platform across disciplines for faculty, students and researchers at CEU who have an interest in the study of mobility and migration. The group holds regular meetings for informal and congenial debate of migration topics and to discuss ongoing research of the members with a specialized audience.