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Racial Cities: The Segregation of Roma in Urban Europe

Panel Discussion
The CEU Campus
Thursday, October 5, 2017, 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm

A panel discussion organized by Angela Kocze and Judit Bodnar

Judit Bodnar, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

Giovanni Picker, University of Birmingham, School of Social Policy, author of Racial Cities: Governance and the Segregation of Romani People in Urban Europe, Routledge, 2017

How does race and class intersect in structuring 21st-century European urban spaces? How to study these varied and variable intersections? Starting from a multi-focal ethnography of urban governance and the segregation of Roma, the discussion will address these questions from a global perspective.
Angela Kocze, Assistant Professor of Romani Studies and Academic Director, RGPP
Daniel Monterescu, Associate Professor of Sociology and Social Anthropology
