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WH + Nádasdy

Monday, October 9, 2017, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

The group WH was formed at the initiative of cellist and composer Albert Márkos with the goal of placing the sonnets and songs of William Shakespeare in a modern musical context. The name of the project refers to a monogram, the certain Mr. W. H. to whom Shakespeare dedicated his sonnets published in printed form. The identity of this mysterious person - like the content of the sonnets themselves - is the subject of much debate to this day, but one thing is certain: in this formation, the verse assumes an appropriately enigmatic and exciting musical guise. As a translator of several Shakespeare pieces, Ádám Nádasdy joins WH to guide us through the journey.


Ádám Nádasdy - words

Albert Márkos - cello

Sena Dagadu - vocals

Samu Gryllus - bass

Hunor G Szabó - drums

Vince Varga - visuals


Video links:

WH with Ádám Nádasdy @ Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, 2016

WH: Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind (music video)

Admission is free!