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Romani Studies Program Launching Reception

The CEU Campus
Thursday, October 19, 2017, 5:30 pm

The Romani Studies Program(RSP) cordially invites you toRomani Studies ProgramLaunching Reception Opening Remarks and Welcome AddressMichael Ignatieff //President and Rector, CEULiviu Matei // Provost and Pro-rector, CEUIulius Rostas // Chair of Romani Studies, CEU


Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 5:30 PMCEU, Nador 13 Atrium

RSVP by noon, October 17 using the form at this link. 


CEU is a new model for international education, a center for study of contemporary economic, social and political challenges as well as a source of support for building open and democratic societies that respect human rights and human dignity. Supporting Roma and the development of Romani Studies at CEU is part of the university's mission. Building on CEU's longstanding reputation in enhancing higher education, research, and professional opportunities for Roma, CEU's Roma Access Programs (RAP) is transformed into the Romani Studies Program (RSP) as of August 1, 2017. RSP is a new academic unit at CEU, encompassing the Roma Graduate Preparation Program (RGPP) and Roma in European Societies (RES) initiative.