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Conversations on the Refugee Crisis: Who is a refugee? What is a refugee?

The CEU Campus
Friday, October 20, 2017, 3:30 pm

The Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education, 

the Open Learning Initiative (OLIve),

the Migration Research Group and 

the Department of Legal Studies


cordially invite all to attend the launching event of the series Conversations on the Refugee Crisis on Friday, October 20 at 3.30

Who is a refugee? What is a refugee?


Prem Kumar Rajaram (Open Learning Initiative // Sociology and Social Anthropology.)

Boldizsar Nagy (International Relations)

Magdalena Smieszek (MiRG / Legal Studies)

in conversation with Renata Uitz (Legal Studies)

The series is intended as a forum for informal discussion, exchange and debate for all members of the CEU community on the refugee crisis. We hope to start a lively discussion across academic disciplines, professional and life experiences which will help us all understand the issues, the stakes and the challenges better. All are welcome to join this experiment where we intend to learn about the world and about our own misconceptions with an open mind.

The first meeting is meant to set the scene, unpack key terms, map their limitations, and the ensuing problems that make the crisis even worse. We hope to reflect on some of the most common misunderstandings and misrepresentations which distort public debates and policy making.