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Digital Europe

The CEU Campus
Thursday, November 9, 2017, 1:30 pm

The President and Rector cordially invites you to

a lecture by Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission with responsibility for the Digital Single Market

WELCOME REMARKS / Zsolt Enyedi, Pro-Rector for Hungarian Affairs, Professor, Political Science Department

MODERATOR / Uwe Puetter, Professor, Director of CEUR, Jean Monnet Chair

ABSTRACT / Digital Single Market is one in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured and where individuals and businesses can seamlessly access and exercise online activities under conditions of fair competition, and a high level of consumer and personal data protection, irrespective of their nationality or place of residence. The event will be focused on questions where the EU is on the road towards achieving these goals, what major dilemmas the Commission faces and what the next major steps will be. The dialogue with the Vice-President will allow discussion on issues ranging from 5G, to defense against cyber-attacks, transnational E-commerce, or geo-blocking.

Please register using the link.

Andrus Ansip is the Vice-President of the European Commission with responsibility for the Digital Single Market. Between 2005 and 2014 he was Estonia's Prime Minister, the longest serving head of government of the country. During his long career in public service he held various elected offices. Among others, he served as mayor of Tartu, Member of the Estonian Parliament, Member of the European Parliament, chairman of the Reform Party, Minister of the Economy and vice-president of ALDE.