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Red Fever: Wine, France, China and Globalization

Film Screening
The CEU Campus
Monday, November 13, 2017, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm

China has recently started to drink wine and has become one of the primary targets for French producers who are optimistic about the enormous potential of this young market. China has also started to produce wine and will soon have one of the largest vineyards in the world. This documentary film, “Another Man's Wine” investigates how wine acts as a major cultural mediator and allows us to examine the growing importance of social ties between Europe and China in the context of globalization. The film explores this new desire for wine by following three major characters who circulate between France and China: a Chinese businesswoman who has a passion for Burgundy wine, a French winemaker based in China, and a young Chinese sommelier.

Involved in concrete social experiences in wine, these three individuals share dreams and sometimes misunderstandings. Their common passion for wine opens discussion about the challenges of transmitting a relationship to nature and time despite cultural differences. The film contributes to a global discussion about how these new forms of social ties with China will transform Europe in the near future.

Boris Petric is social anthropologist at CNRS and the director of the Norbert Elias Center at EHESS Marseille, France. He conducted fieldwork in former Yugoslavia, the Russian Federation, Post-Soviet Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan) and also in France. He started a new transnational fieldwork in 2012 among France and China in the global Wine economy. He teaches seminars on anthropology and globalization at EHESS and has also created several documentary films. He currently directs the collective scientific project “The Political Life of Commodities: A Qualitative approach of Transnational Circulations: Europe, Africa, and China”.