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Diplomatic Protocol vs. Corporate Protocol

Monday, November 20, 2017, 5:20 pm – 7:00 pm

Diplomatic Protocol is an integral part of inter state relations, and in particular inner state ceremonial procedures and official forms of representation of states. Due to its institutional character, Protocol shapes and characterizes structures far beyond states or governments. Nowadays, especially in the context of Global Governance, Multinational respectively Transnational Corporations are more and more important players in international relations and agenda setting in national politics. Thus, Olaf Jelinski examines Protocol at the cross-roads of international Diplomacy, Political Theory and Corporate Communications. The focus of the talk is to identify Corporate Protocol, and comparabilities respectively overlaps to Diplomatic Protocol. 

Olaf Jelinski has studied Political Science, Communications Science and Economics at the Universities of Greifswald, Uppsala and Turku. He has been working for many years as Head of Protocol for Airbus and Head of Marketing and Public Relations for a Ministry. At the moment, Olaf Jelinski is working as Consultant for Protocol and Public Affairs. He has recently published his dissertation, the first scientific study in the field of Protocol, comparing the International Diplomatic Protocol and Corporate Protocol („Diplomatic Protocol vs. Corporate Protocol. Das internationale diplomatische Protokoll im Vergleich zum Protokoll in Unternehmen. Eine Analyse des Protokolls als politische Institution.“ Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, 2017).