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The future of EU governance: the challenges of multi-speed Europe

The CEU Campus
Wednesday, November 22, 2017, 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm

The “White Paper” of the European Commission on the Future of Europe from the 1st of March 2017 has inspired discussions on the EU’s reform. Innovative solutions are needed for rendering the EU more dynamic and competitive in the world. President Juncker added more ideas in his speech before the European Parliament on the 13 September 2017. However, adjustments of the EU system will remain within the legal framework of the actual Treaties as deeper changes would require unanimity of the member states which is not probable for the time being.

The way out of the pressing need of acting, on the one hand, and its obvious political limits, on the other, could be found along a selective approach concerning both, issues and member states: the more frequent use of two- or multi-speed constructions. The Eurozone as well as the Schengen zone have already delivered sufficient evidence for the implementation and functioning of such solutions. Articles 20 and 42 TEU offer the necessary legal basis for further similar initiatives.

After the “White Paper” the European Commission has issued five thematic “reflection papers” presenting suggestions in selected areas with special regard to the next Multiannual Financial Framework. Intensive exchanges of views and the preparations of future political decisions will be guided by the renewed German-French couple after the entry into office of the future German government.

The international conference organized by CENS will analyze experience and lessons of existing two-speed structures (euro, Schengen) and discuss further potential initiatives with special regard to security, migration, competitiveness and the rule of law.


13:00   Registration

13:30   Key-note Address

Péter Balázs, Director of CEU Center for European Neighborhood Studies (CENS)

14:00   First Panel: New aspects of European governance

 Bogdan Radu, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

Anna-Lena Kirch, DGAP Germany

Beata Jaczewska, International Visegrad Fund

Zsuzsanna Végh, European University Viadrina, Germany

Chair: Dániel Izsák, CEU

16:00   Second Panel: V4 motivations and reactions

 Martin Michelot, Europeum, Czech Republik

Vladimír Bilčík, SFPA, Slovakia

Michal Kokot, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

Edit Zgut, Political Capital, Hungary

Chair: Lukasz Janulewicz, CENS

17:30  Concluding remarks 

László Csaba, University Professor, CEU