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16 days of campaigning against Gender Based Violence

University Life
Saturday, November 25, 2017, 11:15 am – Sunday, December 10, 2017, 11:15 am

Similarly to previous years, HRSI takes part in the global 16 days against Gender Based Violence campaign with various activities. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness about the various manifestations of gender based violence and to empower people to fight against them. It has been initiatied by Rutgers University in the United States, and lasts for 16 days between the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women and the Human Rights Day.

In 2018, HRSI will organize 3 events as part of the campaign:

  1. Silent Witness Exhibition: The exhibition of real life-sized wooden figures, borrowed from NANE, a Hungarian NGO supporting victims of domestic violence. The figures tell stories of women who have died as a victim of domestic violence in Hungary in 2017.
  2. Documentary screening and debate: Screening of 'What Doesn't Kill Me', a documentary on domestic violence and court-licensed abuse, followed by a discussion with its director, Rachel Meyrick.
  3. Feminist self-defense training: An empowering half-day training on the mental and physical techniques against gender based violence.